Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lost Count of the Weeks

Well, I've got bad news and good news. The bad news is that I've kinda flopped on my BFL program. I was SOOO determined to do the program to the letter, but I just haven't done it. I really started crumbling when I went to San Marcos for that week of training. I only worked-out about 3 (or maybe 4) days that week, but I mostly did cardio. I didn't watch my diet too closely that week either, although I did make some good choices. I think the kicker was the free alcohol at the hotel......which I freely consumed!! No good!

The good news, on the other hand, is that I have been working-out regularly, even so. I just haven't stuck to the BFL program. Last week I exercised 4 days, which felt like a slacker week. So, I think it's a good thing that I feel like I've slacked when I've only exercised 4 days. I've started doing more cardio, as it's been difficult to get to the gym very consistently with my schedule lately, and we're leaving town for vacation on Thursday. The other bit of good news is that I've been able to run 2 miles (with some minimal walking in the middle), which I never thought I'd be able to do. And, last night, I ran the 1.5 mile track at Redbud easily in 16 minutes. So, that averages to about a 10.7 minute mile (which is good for me, since I'm a very slow runner), and my endurance has definitely gotten better. I can remember a time when I thought I'd never be able to run the Redbud track in its entirety.

Last night, Jeremy took some progress pics of me, which were very encouraging. He did say that he thinks I should get back into my BodyPump classes, and I think he's probably right.....because it is so much easier to get in a good resistance workout when I just plan to go to those classes. When I plateaued awhile back, it was because I was doing ONLY BodyPump, and no cardio. However, I think that if I start doing BodyPump again, and focus on my running, then that will be a good little fitness combination for me!

So, while I'm disappointed in myself for not following-through with the BFL program, I am pleased with myself that I don't need a "12-week structured regimen" to keep me going. My momentum is there, regardless. So, in that regard, I'm doing well!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

2 Weeks Down, 10 to Go

Well, I've made it through 2 weeks of the Body FOR Life. I've run into a couple of obstacles, but I've persevered! I'm really dropping weight now. It helps that I had already boosted myself by being in a good exercise regimen prior to starting the program. But, I'm finally down into the 130's again, and THAT is encouraging!

This week, on the day that I was supposed to lift on my arms, a huge storm blew in, so I modified my workout by using some weights at the house. So, it probably wasn't as intensive as it would have been had I gone to the gym, but it was better than nothing!

Since January 31, I have lost 17.34 lbs of fat (16 lbs of scale weight).

I was SO wanting to skate on my workout today.......I needed a nap in a big bad way, so I took one, and then I didn't have time to go to the gym before Jeremy had to go to work, so I had to run on the treadmill. I must admit, sometimes I HATE running. But, I pushed through and MADE myself do it, so it felt all the more SWEETER to have finished my last workout of the week......because I KNEW that I had pushed myself.

My friend, Lisa, invited me to dinner at Abuelo's tonight. Mmmmmm. Yummy. I am SO proud of myself that I opted for a Grilled Chicken Salad. I don't think there is such a thing as a healthy meal at Abuelo's, but that was probably the healthiest choice on the menu. I'm glad I went (good times with the girlfriends is something I don't want to pass up, especially since we don't get together EVER really), and I'm even MORE glad that I made wise food choices.

2 weeks down, 10 to go!!!

My next biggest challenge is going to be when I'm in San Marcos for a statewide conference week-after-next. That's going to call for some serious planning ahead, on my part!! We shall see if I am UP for the CHALLENGE!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Positive Body Image

I think pregnancy was good for me.....not only because of the finished product (ie - Jonah-bug!!), but also because I ballooned up to such a large size. I used to struggle with major negative body image, even when I was somewhat small (looking back, of course). I hated to wear shorts, and I thought I was sooooo fat ALL THE TIME.

This summer is the first summer I can remember in AGES in which I'm totally comfortable throwing on a pair of shorts. I don't obsess about how "fat" my legs are. I just get dressed and go. Maybe it's because I'm older and some things just don't seem as important anymore. Or maybe it's because I know what it feels like to REALLY be OVERWEIGHT......and I'm NOT there anymore. And, I can recognize that.....finally.......for the first time in my life.

Shew. What a relief.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I just realized......

In looking back at BFL in 2005, I just realized that I had already finished 10 or 11 of the 12 week program before my ex and I ever split up. So, in reality, my "divorce" at that time had nothing to do with my drastic results in 2005!! That is an important realization for me, because I have really struggled with the thought that the only reason I was successful in 2005 was because I was under the stress of going through a divorce, so that was probably the primary reason for my weight loss! Not SO!

I feel like I'm not only having to convince myself that I can do this, but also convince Jeremy. He is also of the mind-set that my circumstances were different in 2005, so I probably can't see the same level of results this time around. That's okay. I think that I'm sometimes even MORE motivated when I feel like I'm trying to prove someone wrong.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I've had a significant epiphany lately, with regards to my fitness goals. I just need to organize my thoughts, and bear these little mental "break-thoughs" in mind as I continue on this journey :)

I have made a great deal of progress over the past few months. The "problem" (if you can call it that) is that I started out so much BIGGER than I've been in the past (I'll blame it on baby weight!!) that "lots" of progress still doesn't put me in a desirable weight/body fat range. However, I'm now to a good place where if I make as much progress in the NEXT couple of months as I've made in the PAST couple of months, then I should definitely be within a healthy and desirable weight/body fat range. I won't be to my ultimate goal, but it'll be good to weigh under 130 lbs again, at least.

I've focused more on cardio lately, and I'm really starting to increase my endurance in running.....which is QUITE a struggle for me. Now, I'm doing Body for LIFE again....although I must admit, it's tempting to just neglect the weight training for now, and focus on burning the fat. But, from everything I've read, I'm BOUND to burn muscle, too, so I need to at least lift weights to maintain my muscle mass.

It's funny -- I'm reading the Body for LIFE web-page for inspiration......to remind myself that it IS possible to do this.....when really I SHOULD just be able to look within myself and remember my own personal achievement 4 years ago. I think I have myself convinced that my results in 2005 were a fluke for me. "My metabolism has changed because I'm over 30. I was going through a divorce, so I probably lost so much weight due to stress. I've tried the program since 2005, and haven't seen results at all." But, in reality, I haven't done the program to the tee like I did in 2005.....I don't think I've gotten in 6 days of exercise in any given week that I've tried to implement the program again. Well, I'm DEFINITELY working-out 6 days per week, now. In fact, I've exercised 9 or 10 days in a ROW lately, so I KNOW I can devote myself to 6 days per week. I'm going to try it again. Just to see. Just to prove to myself (again) that it is INDEED possible for me to transform my body. And, I'm not going to let myself go this time!

I kinda tell myself that it's silly to get into shape again, since I'll be trying to get pregnant again by this time next year. But, the truth is that when I get pregnant again, I'm going to start out the pregnancy at a healthy weight with an active lifestyle, so even if I gain more than 25 lbs during the pregnancy, I will shed it quickly after the baby's born. I just feel so much better and more self-confident at a smaller size. I can already feel changes within myself, and I'm just NOW down to my "big" size. So, I know this will be good. I will be successful.

Progress pics....so far!

JAN 31, 2009 JUNE 1, 2009

I have a long way to go, still, but I've made some progress. Just started doing Body for LIFE again this week, so I'll be interested to see my progress in 12-weeks! The "after" pictures above will be my "before" pics for the Body for LIFE challenge.
Starting weight - 143
Body Fat % - 33%
Pant size - 10/12

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lag in Motivation

I'm not feelin' it this week. I think I'm discouraged because I'm not seeing ANY progress on the scales, so I'm half inclined to sabbotage my own efforts by giving up entirely. I know that's not the way to go, but I'm just frustrated.

I think I'll feel much better if I can motivate myself to get on the treadmill this evening and RUN! I've been doing Body Pump diligently, but I haven't been doing much cardio, which is why I think I'm at a standstill with the weightloss.

I have to write some sort of inspiring story about my progress and change over the past 12 weeks, and I'm having a hard time feeling inspired. I guess the biggest change is exactly what I'd hoped for.......that I'm no longer a stagnant blob. I'm working-out regularly, and it's just a basic part of my life again. That's all I could have hoped for. The weightloss will come in due time. For now, I'm just glad to be moving again -- to the extent that I feel incredibly guilty if I don't work-out more than 3 days/week......whereas 12 weeks ago, I felt accomplished if I worked out 1 or 2 days/week. So, that's inspirational, I suppose. :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Biggest Loser 6-week progress

Start: 152.4
Now: 145.8

Body Fat:
Start: 36.9%
Now: 32.9%

Start 12
Now: 11.75

Start: 37.5
Now: 35.5

Start: 33.75
Now: 33.5

Start: 43
Now: 41.75

Start: 13
Now: 12.5

Start: 23.25
Now: 22

Total Weight loss: 6.6 lbs
Body Fat Loss: 4%
Fat Weight Loss: 8.2 lbs
Muscle Weight Gain: 1.6 lbs
Total Inches Lost: 4.5 inches

***12 week update is scheduled for April 25. If I lose 10 more lbs and 6% more body fat, then I will have matched my accomplishments from the Body for Life program in 2005, proving to myself that it's not necessarily just the Body for Life program that works so well, but it is, instead, simply the effort of doing something consistently for 12 weeks that causes great results!!***

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ode to my Hiney

I originally wrote this on June 19, 2006. In celebration of my renewed fitness focus, I'm revisiting the ode:

By: Hannah (Bone) Holmes

Hiney, my dear,
The time's drawn near
For me to say,
"Get outta HERE!"

You've had your chance
You're a vast expanse
You no longer fit
In my favorite pants!

So, I say farewell,
Your ship has sailed,
What? NO, I don't want
To eat Taco Bell!

Try as you might
To stay and fight.
You'll soon be tiny
And fit and tight!

I'm working-out!
Now, don't you pout.
Your time has expired -
About that there's no doubt!

So, I'm off to exercise,
Soon you will decrease in size.
So, I bid these last good-byes
To my buns and hips and thighs.

The Biggest Loser

I joined Gold's Gym about six weeks ago and joined a "Biggest Loser" competition at the gym, in an effort to motivate myself to get into shape!! This Saturday will be my midway weight check. Then, I will have 6 more weeks of the program. I don't imagine that I'll win, necessarily, but it has served its purpose.....which was to get me off my BEhind and INTO the gym! So far, I'm noticing some great results. I've been running several days/week and going to BodyPump classes. The scales aren't really going down, but my clothes are DEFINITELY getting looser!

I've lost about 52-54 lbs since I had Jonah last September. Ideally, I'd like to lose at least 30 more lbs. We shall see......

This will primarily be my venue for logging my progress toward my fitness goals.


Hijinks definition: noisy and mischievous merrymaking
sounds like a good Blog title to me :)