Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ode to my Hiney

I originally wrote this on June 19, 2006. In celebration of my renewed fitness focus, I'm revisiting the ode:

By: Hannah (Bone) Holmes

Hiney, my dear,
The time's drawn near
For me to say,
"Get outta HERE!"

You've had your chance
You're a vast expanse
You no longer fit
In my favorite pants!

So, I say farewell,
Your ship has sailed,
What? NO, I don't want
To eat Taco Bell!

Try as you might
To stay and fight.
You'll soon be tiny
And fit and tight!

I'm working-out!
Now, don't you pout.
Your time has expired -
About that there's no doubt!

So, I'm off to exercise,
Soon you will decrease in size.
So, I bid these last good-byes
To my buns and hips and thighs.

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