Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lost Count of the Weeks

Well, I've got bad news and good news. The bad news is that I've kinda flopped on my BFL program. I was SOOO determined to do the program to the letter, but I just haven't done it. I really started crumbling when I went to San Marcos for that week of training. I only worked-out about 3 (or maybe 4) days that week, but I mostly did cardio. I didn't watch my diet too closely that week either, although I did make some good choices. I think the kicker was the free alcohol at the hotel......which I freely consumed!! No good!

The good news, on the other hand, is that I have been working-out regularly, even so. I just haven't stuck to the BFL program. Last week I exercised 4 days, which felt like a slacker week. So, I think it's a good thing that I feel like I've slacked when I've only exercised 4 days. I've started doing more cardio, as it's been difficult to get to the gym very consistently with my schedule lately, and we're leaving town for vacation on Thursday. The other bit of good news is that I've been able to run 2 miles (with some minimal walking in the middle), which I never thought I'd be able to do. And, last night, I ran the 1.5 mile track at Redbud easily in 16 minutes. So, that averages to about a 10.7 minute mile (which is good for me, since I'm a very slow runner), and my endurance has definitely gotten better. I can remember a time when I thought I'd never be able to run the Redbud track in its entirety.

Last night, Jeremy took some progress pics of me, which were very encouraging. He did say that he thinks I should get back into my BodyPump classes, and I think he's probably right.....because it is so much easier to get in a good resistance workout when I just plan to go to those classes. When I plateaued awhile back, it was because I was doing ONLY BodyPump, and no cardio. However, I think that if I start doing BodyPump again, and focus on my running, then that will be a good little fitness combination for me!

So, while I'm disappointed in myself for not following-through with the BFL program, I am pleased with myself that I don't need a "12-week structured regimen" to keep me going. My momentum is there, regardless. So, in that regard, I'm doing well!

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