Saturday, June 13, 2009

2 Weeks Down, 10 to Go

Well, I've made it through 2 weeks of the Body FOR Life. I've run into a couple of obstacles, but I've persevered! I'm really dropping weight now. It helps that I had already boosted myself by being in a good exercise regimen prior to starting the program. But, I'm finally down into the 130's again, and THAT is encouraging!

This week, on the day that I was supposed to lift on my arms, a huge storm blew in, so I modified my workout by using some weights at the house. So, it probably wasn't as intensive as it would have been had I gone to the gym, but it was better than nothing!

Since January 31, I have lost 17.34 lbs of fat (16 lbs of scale weight).

I was SO wanting to skate on my workout today.......I needed a nap in a big bad way, so I took one, and then I didn't have time to go to the gym before Jeremy had to go to work, so I had to run on the treadmill. I must admit, sometimes I HATE running. But, I pushed through and MADE myself do it, so it felt all the more SWEETER to have finished my last workout of the week......because I KNEW that I had pushed myself.

My friend, Lisa, invited me to dinner at Abuelo's tonight. Mmmmmm. Yummy. I am SO proud of myself that I opted for a Grilled Chicken Salad. I don't think there is such a thing as a healthy meal at Abuelo's, but that was probably the healthiest choice on the menu. I'm glad I went (good times with the girlfriends is something I don't want to pass up, especially since we don't get together EVER really), and I'm even MORE glad that I made wise food choices.

2 weeks down, 10 to go!!!

My next biggest challenge is going to be when I'm in San Marcos for a statewide conference week-after-next. That's going to call for some serious planning ahead, on my part!! We shall see if I am UP for the CHALLENGE!!!

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