Friday, June 5, 2009

I just realized......

In looking back at BFL in 2005, I just realized that I had already finished 10 or 11 of the 12 week program before my ex and I ever split up. So, in reality, my "divorce" at that time had nothing to do with my drastic results in 2005!! That is an important realization for me, because I have really struggled with the thought that the only reason I was successful in 2005 was because I was under the stress of going through a divorce, so that was probably the primary reason for my weight loss! Not SO!

I feel like I'm not only having to convince myself that I can do this, but also convince Jeremy. He is also of the mind-set that my circumstances were different in 2005, so I probably can't see the same level of results this time around. That's okay. I think that I'm sometimes even MORE motivated when I feel like I'm trying to prove someone wrong.

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