Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Positive Body Image

I think pregnancy was good for me.....not only because of the finished product (ie - Jonah-bug!!), but also because I ballooned up to such a large size. I used to struggle with major negative body image, even when I was somewhat small (looking back, of course). I hated to wear shorts, and I thought I was sooooo fat ALL THE TIME.

This summer is the first summer I can remember in AGES in which I'm totally comfortable throwing on a pair of shorts. I don't obsess about how "fat" my legs are. I just get dressed and go. Maybe it's because I'm older and some things just don't seem as important anymore. Or maybe it's because I know what it feels like to REALLY be OVERWEIGHT......and I'm NOT there anymore. And, I can recognize that.....finally.......for the first time in my life.

Shew. What a relief.

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