Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Weight - ugh!

Well, I lost about 75 lbs after Jonah was born, only to find out that I was pregnant again (which was a surprise, but a very pleasant one!) I got pregnant at the end of August, and I did really well with my weight control for awhile. In December, at 4-months pregnant, I could still fit into my size 8 jeans. However, I have REALLY blossomed lately. I'm nearly 30-weeks pregnant. I made the mistake a couple of weeks ago at the dr's office, of comparing my weight gain with Jonah to my weight gain this time around. I weighed the exact same thing as I did with Jonah at this time in the pregnancy. The difference is that I started out 15 lbs LIGHTER with this pregnancy.....which -- if you do the math -- tells you that I've gained 15 more lbs so far in this pregnancy than I did in my first. So, not only have I completely negated any and all of my weight-loss efforts from last year, but I'm also on track to gain even more than I did with Jonah -- which was EXCESSIVE. I gained about 50 lbs with him. Ugh! I'm discouraged. But, I'm trying to just relax and take things as they come.....knowing that it's well-worth the outcome in the end, and I can work my booty off afterward to lose the weight again. I know I can do it, as I've done it before. And, I think I'll be even MORE motivated this time around, since we aren't looking to have any more children after Lexi. Last time, I started exercising in Feb (when Jonah was nearly 5-months-old), and it took me about 6-months to get down to a size 6. So, I figure if I start sooner, I'll reach my goal again sooner :) I have positive expectations of myself!!

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