Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 31

Today, at my prenatal appointment I weighed 1/2 lb. less than I did at my last appointment. Shew! And, might I add WOOHOOO! Of course, I had a terrible stomach virus this week, but you gotta look at the bright side of these things :)

I was a little worried that I was really going to gain much more weight with this pregnancy, since I weighed the same thing at 26 weeks as I did in my first pregnancy (even though I started out 15 lbs lighter), but it does seem like my weight gain has slowed down significantly. Whereas, in my first pregnancy, I put on quite a bit of weight in the last 10 weeks. I'm hoping I don't gain much more throughout this pregnancy. The baby's growing well, as I'm continuing to measure on-target (or even a little big today), so I think it'll be okay if my weight stays stable.

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