Monday, December 13, 2010

Second Verse, Same as the First

Well, we were blessed by sweet Baby Alexia on May 22, 2010.  I gained about 60 lbs during the pregnancy, and was determined to take it off again.  However, if I thought it was hard to get into a consistent exercise routine with one, BOY was I in for a surprise with #2!!  Ha!  All that being said, Lexi is nearly 7-months-old, and I weigh about the same as I weighed when Jonah was nearly 5-months old.  However, I.AM.MOTIVATED again!  I mean, SOOOO motivated!  I started the Couch to 5K running program last week, and I registered to run in a 5K on March 12.  It's nearly impossible for me to get to BodyPump consistently, so I'm starting back on Body-for-Life for at least the next 12-weeks.  I'm super stoked!  If Gold's does another Biggest Loser competition in January, I may sign up again, since I'll only be 3-weeks into my program by then!  Woohoo!  I'm stoked!

Beginning weight: 153.5
Beginning Body Fat (on my Tanita Scale at home) 39%

I have a long way to go, but I can DO IT!!!

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