Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Two Weeks Down....

I did pretty great last week, considering it was the week of Christmas.  I exercised 5 days, and felt guilty about the fact that I didn't exercise 6 days.  So, that's a good sign!

I've fallen behind a little bit on my Couch to 5K because
A) I got sick with strep throat a couple of weeks ago
B) I only ran 2 days last week, instead of 3.

However, I ran again yesterday.  I ARROGANTLY started C25K on "Week 3" in early November, only to run 1.36 miles.  Well, last week, I made my way back to a Week 3 run (having worked my way UP to that point this time), and I went 1.49 miles.  Then, yesterday, on the same run/walk pattern, I went 1.58 miles.  So, I'm getting back where I need to be.  But OH it is PAINFUL!  I am SO NOT A RUNNER!!!!

I ate terribly last week, with the holidays, and the scale showed it this week.  I just have to be patient and trust that I'll eventually see the fruits of my labor, as I always do.  Gold's Gym is doing a Biggest Loser Competition beginning on January 8, so I'm going to enroll in the contest again.....not with any anticipation of winning, but simply as a means to have someone track my progress with pictures, measurements, and stats :)

This week's stats:
Weight = 150.5
BF % = 39%

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