Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Week Down.....

Well, I started my program last Monday, and woke up with a sore throat on Wednesday, but decided to push through and workout that day, as I was DETERMINED not to let a little cold keep me from getting into my workout routine AGAIN!  One of my biggest obstacles is that, for whatever reason, I always turn up sick within a few days of starting a new exercise program.  Well, so much for "pushing through!"  I woke up with a HORRIBLE case of strep throat Thursday morning, and absolutely could not get out of bed for 2 solid days.  I am still not up to par, but I decided I am finally well enough to get back on the proverbial horse, lest I lose any momentum I was able to gain in my 3 days of exercise :)

So, I started back on my Couch to 5K yesterday.  Surprisingly, I only lost .03 miles off the same run/walk pattern I'd done 6 days prior, and that's with still being a little under the weather!  I packed my gym bag last night, and will hit the gym for legs this afternoon.  I don't know how on earth my brain can shift SO QUICKLY from a REGULAR EXERCISE HABIT to NO EXERCISE AT ALL to straight back into feeling like I'm in THE HABIT again, without having to even TRY.  But, whatever the reason, I'm thankful, and I'm enjoying it :)

I've FINALLY gotten below 150, which has been the INPENETRABLE WALL of weight I haven't been able to get below in months!  I've been SO CLOSE, but no cigar (whatever that expression means!).  Well, the past couple of days I've weighed in at 149.....could have something to do with how little I was able to eat while I was sick, but whatever the reason, I'm glad!!

My current stats, 1 week in:
Weight = 149
BF = 38%

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