Monday, July 23, 2012

1 Week Down, a Lifetime to Go

Okay, so I stuck pretty closely to my goals last week.  I did go out to my brother's birthday celebration Saturday night, and partook of some of his yummy home brew and s'mores.  But, other than that, I did pretty great, and my efforts paid off.  I dropped 4 lbs last week.  Now, that's not to say that I anticipate losing at that rate, continuously.  I think I was just storing some extra water weight because of my ridiculous eating habits.  I'm just glad to see the scales move that drastically in the right direction again, because my weight was entirely out-of-hand!

I laugh at myself because I feel my weight loss goals shifting, over time.  I weighed 115 (19% body fat) when I moved back to Abilene in 2005.  Then, I slowly gained weight, when I got out of the habit of regular exercise.  Then, I gained a LOT of weight with my pregnancies, and I was determined to get back down to 115.  Then....I thought, "Okay, I'll be happy to make it to 125."  And, now I find myself saying, "Okay, I'll be content if I can just get back down to 133 and comfortably fitting back into my current wardrobe."  LOL!  (Incidentally, after Jonah was born, I dropped from about 200 lbs down to 133, at the time we found out I was pregnant with Lexi.  Jonah was 1-year-old.  Then, I got back UP to about 200 lbs in that pregnancy, and dropped down to 133 by December of 2011, when Lexi was about 1-1/2 years old.  I've been off the wagon and ON the climb since the Christmas holidays. So, that's where the "133" weight comes from) :)

I exercised 5 out of my 6 "goal days" last week.  I ran a total of 7.3 miles last week.  I'm not quite on target for my Bridge to 10K, but it's not for lack of effort.  I just have to keep at it, and trust that I'll eventually be able to run 6 continuous miles, if I run consistently each week.

Here's the important observation that I made last week.  I felt hungry....a lot.  It wasn't like I went through the week expecting to never feel hungry, though.  Nor did I starve.  I actually ate decent portion sizes when I did eat.  I just didn't consume many empty calories (sugars, carbs, etc.).  I know there are lots of diets that tout that you can lose weight and never feel hungry, but the fact of the matter is that your body has to eventually pull from your fat stores to give you energy, if you plan to lose weight.  And, your body doesn't pull from your fat stores until your blood sugar drops, due to hunger, and doesn't have food to pull the energy from.  So, if you automatically keep yourself from feeling hungry all the time, then you are not going to drop weight -- er, well, not very efficiently, I'd imagine.  So, anytime I would feel just a little hungry, I would remind myself that my body would soon grab from my fat stores to feed my hunger, which translates to less fat for me!!  LOL!

I did skip a couple of meals last week, simply because I wasn't hungry.  That's really the only time I will skip a meal.  And, I know people frown upon that idea, and insist that you must eat 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism up, yada yada, yada.  But, the fact of the matter is that if I try to eat 6 small meals/day, regardless of my hunger cues, I become utterly obsessed and focused on food and "when is the next time I'm going to eat?" which is completely counter-productive to me trying to lose weight.

So, there's my progress report for week 1.  Nothing profound, but I'm in a good place.  Summary of lessons learned:
1)  It's okay to feel hungry.
2)  It's okay to skip a meal if you're not hungry.
3)  It's okay to splurge for s'mores on a special occasion.
4)  It's okay to continue drinking coffee with sweetened dairy creamer every morning.
5)  A combination of good, subtle changes/choices will pay off in the long run!

Today's stats:
Weight = 142.5 (-4 lbs)
Body Fat = 36%

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Day at a Time

I'm definitely having to take this program one day at a time, until it becomes a lifestyle habit for me again.

Yesterday, I nearly missed my window of opportunity to get to the gym, but I told myself "No way!  You cannot miss your VERY FIRST DAY back on a program." 

But, it is so easy for life to get in the way.  There is grocery shopping to be done, bills to be paid, house to be cleaned, laundry to be washed, kids to be taken care of.

Life. Is. Busy.

The key is putting your workout up there amongst all your other "priorities."  It is when all other items take precedence over your workout, that it falls to the bottom of the list.  But, you have to say, "No more!  This is just as important as my laundry!"

So, I made it to the gym yesterday.  And, I avoided sweets and dairy, and bread.  And, I drank lots of water.  And, I felt GREAT!

So great, in fact, that I was completely motivated to get off my keister and make it to the track at 5:30 (well...5:45, anyway) this morning to get my run in....because I KNEW that if I didn't get there this morning, there would be no other opportunity to get there, and then I would be so mad at myself.  And, all for what?  An extra 30 minutes of sleep?  Really?

I ran 3 miles this morning, and shaved over a minute off of my pace, of late....probably mainly because it was in the cool morning air, rather than the scorching afternoon heat!  It was so worth that loss of 30 minutes of sleep! 

So much so, that I will feel motivated to get to the gym in the morning....and to the track the next day.

One day at a time....until it's just a part of my life again.


10-96 Program

I started back on a 12-week program yesterday that combines principles from several different wellness programs. I, jokingly, refer to it as my 10-96 program because when I showed my brother (a cop) my elaborate notebook and plans, he told me I am “10-96” which is cop speak for a “mental subject.” It kinda goes with the 10-96 theme, also that “the voice in the back of my head tells me there is no way I am going to stick to this program.” But, that voice is wrong.

For weight training, I am going to do the trusty, and ever faithful Body-for-Life routine. It just gives me a great structure, and never gets boring.

For cardio, I am doing the Bridge to 10K training program, which will prepare me for the Balloonfest 10K in September. One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to run a 10K this year, so this will be good!

For diet, I am trying to go mostly paleo! This is a diet regimen that was recommended to me by my doctor last year, to cure all manner of digestion issues, and I never really stuck to it. However, this time, I bought an actual cookbook to help me along the way. I think, over time, I will just learn how to apply the principles of paleo to my cooking, in general. It will be a learning process.

I’m super excited, and I made myself an awesome notebook to chart all of my goals and routines. I still need to take measurements and a “before” picture.

What’s my motivation? Well, first of all, I’ve gained 13 lbs since Christmas!! 13!!!! Secondly, I seem to be retaining water like a crazy lady! I think, partly because I do not consume enough water. So, I’m really focusing on drinking water all day long. Thirdly, I have fallen off of the running wagon, and I have a New Year’s Resolution to complete a 10K this year. Also, along that vein, I do not look like someone who has been running for over a year! Nor do I run like someone who has been running for over a year - mainly because I don’t do it consistently enough to make any gains. But, enough is enough! I’m whipping this booty back into shape. I’m tired of feeling bloated, and having such a limited choice of clothes in my wardrobe, due to insecurities with my size.

And, last, but certainly not least, I feel compelled to prove to myself that I do not need supplements or meal replacements, or any kind of fad diet pills or products to meet my goals, but that, instead, I can and will meet my goals with good ol’ fashioned hard work and dedication. I’ve done it before, and I can do it again. And, I will do it again!

My biggest obstacles are travel and work. I travel so much that it has been difficult to establish a good routine. However, now that I’m mentally there, I don’t think it will hinder me as much. Plus, my travel is dwindling for the next few weeks, which will give me time to really get re-established in my routine. I now work a compressed work week (7a-5:30p), so there is no such thing as working-out after work. Therefore, I do have to really fight against my nature to get up early to exercise in the mornings. I keep telling myself that if I do it for long enough, then it will eventually become natural to me, but my problem is that I never stick to it long enough. However, again, I am mentally ready this time!!

Here are my beginning stats:
Weight: 146.5
Body Fat: 36%

Saturday, January 28, 2012

10K Training & Primal Lifestyle

I started running again on January 1.  (Thank You, New Year, for the opportunity to start all over!!)  I hadn't run since the Turkey Trot on Nov. 24, so I was a little nervous about how it would go.  But, it went great.  I think I ran about 2 miles, at the same pace I had left off at.  I'm absolutely astounded at how quickly I've been able to build back up my endurance.  My last run (on 1/23) was 4.17 miles.  I'm a little nervous because that is further than I've ever run (it was part of my Bridge to 10K training 15 min run/1min  walk X 3), and I got such horrible shin splints last July, when I increased my mileage to 4 miles.  So far, so good though, although I definitely feel my shins.  I try to give myself a good few days of break between each run, so that I don't overdo it.  In my 15/1 X 3 run, even with the 2 walks for 1-minute, I still maintained my average pace, and I plan to head out in a few minutes for another 15/1 X 3 run.  I think it helps that I'm not thinking about my distance, so much as my time -- making sure I run for a full 15 minutes, and then the distance just comes on its own.  I'm signed up for a 5K on 3/10 and an 8K on 3/17, and I'm considering registering for a 10K the following weekend on 3/24, but half afraid that may be pushing it (not the 10K distance, per se, but the 3 races in a row).  We'll see.

I've also taken up Zumba.  If anyone had asked me a month ago if I had ever gone to Zumba, I would have laughed in one's face and declared, "You wouldn't catch me dead in a Zumba class!"  But, for some strange reason, I decided to try a class a few weeks ago, and I flat-out fell instantly in love, even in all my uncoordinated splendor!!  I will say that I have never intentionally stared at another woman's arsh as much as I did in that first class.  The instructor wears these pants with little tassels on the booty, and I kept staring, thinking, "Well, maybe if I stare at her hard enough, my body will want to do that, too!"  LOL!

Not only do I go to Zumba, but I even encourage other people to go!  And, I even have these little silly dreams of becoming good enough to be an instructor myself!  (I know, that's just silly!)  I get such an incredible cardio workout (better than anything else I've ever tried), and it goes by so fast because it's FUN!  And, I guarantee nobody is watching ME in that class because they're either A) watching intently at the instructor, wondering how to get their own body to do that, or B) watching themselves to see if they look as amazingly dance-gifted as they FEEL. Bottom line -- It's awesome, and I recommend it to anyone!

I fell off the no-grains diet before I even had time to get on it very well.  I decided I've got to do something, because I've learned it's impossible to out-train a bad diet, and that has always been my downfall. So, I went a full day yesterday with no grains, and I felt so proud today...accomplished....motivated to keep it up.  Now, if I can only remember this feeling every single day!!  It's just like getting into a new workout routine.  It makes you feel great, but for some crazy, unexplained reason, it's so easy to forget how great it feels from one day to the next, until it becomes pure habit in your life.

So, all in all....January hasn't been a complete bust.  I guess it's better to be eating badly and exercising than eating badly and not exercising.  But, here's to a better February, and adding another piece to the big-picture puzzle of health that I aim to attain in 2012!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Year, a New You?

Wow, what an accomplished 2011 I had, when it came to health and fitness!  Last year was the first year in my life in which I set out to accomplish some fitness goals, and I stuck to prioritizing some form of a physical fitness regimen for a solid year.  In the past, I've never gone more than a few months at a time.  Now, granted, I have slacked off a bit in the past couple of months, but I haven't completely fallen off the wagon!  It is EASY for me to see how quickly I CAN fall off the wagon, though, if I'm not careful.  It is so easy to just fall right out of the habit, if you don't intentionally choose to schedule and incorporate some form of exercise into your day.

In 2011, I ran 3 5K races.  The first two were in the spring, after completing the Couch to 5K program.  My first race was about a 33(ish) minute finish, and my second race, a month later, was a 30 minute finish.  The last race was my Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, which I finished in about 34 minutes.  And, yet, I felt the most accomplished after that one, because it came on the heels of very minimal running in the month prior to the race!  It felt great to be in good enough physical condition to be able to complete a 5K race without rigorous training prior to the race.  THAT's where I've wanted to be.  Of course, since then I haven't run ONE bit.  Part of my slacking is due to some medical issues with dystonia and possible seizures that have reared their ugly heads again after a nearly 6-year remission from symptoms.  So, I've been reluctant to hit the trail.  However, I'm getting back to it in the New Year, no ifs ands or buts about it.

The other awesome accomplishment is that I can look back at where I was at this time last year, and see that diligent, consistent effort, over the long haul, pays off.  I have dropped about 15+ lbs since this time last year, and it has come without obsession/compulsion over the scales!  It has just come off gradually, and I'm now at my pre-baby weight (133-135 lbs).  I'd still like to lose a little more (10-15 lbs), but I am currently at a healthy weight, and I know continued weight loss will happen in due time with due effort.  It's awesome to be at this mental place, with regards to my body.

My HEALTH goals for 2012 are:
  • Run more races in 2012 than 2011 (>3)
  • Run a 10K
  • Possibly train for a half-marathon
  • Get back into the gym at least 3 days per week (supplemented by running)
  • Minimize my intake of grains
  • Increase my intake of water
Here's to a NEW YEAR and a NEW ME!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

6-Week BFL Progress

Weight = 150
BF% = 36%

Of course, my weight fluctuates between 148-150.  But, in general, I've had the following results:

Fat Loss:  5.87 lbs
Lean Mass Gained:  2.37 lbs

I can fit into some of my smaller clothes, too.

I just started changing my diet 2 weeks ago, and the results have definitely been more consistently on the fat loss/muscle gain side!  I still have 10-weeks of my Transformation Challenge at the gym.  I'll weigh/measure again in 4 weeks.  As of now, here are my stats for the challenge:

Weight = 152.2
BF = 36.1%

After Week 1:
Weight = 148.4
BF = 35.5%

After Week 2:
Weight = 149.6
BF = 35.3%

Also, I'm up to 25 minutes of continuous running on Couch to 5K.  It's still not easy, but I feel SO accomplished!  I definitely get an endorphin rush after lifting weights and after running, so that in itself is rewarding to me!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

12-Week Body Transformation Challenge Week 1

I've been doing pretty awesome on my program, although I haven't been seeing great results.  I went ahead and purchased the book "Body-for-LIFE" by Bill Phillips, as I'd lent it out to someone a few years ago, and I have no idea who I gave it to.  I needed to revisit some of the weight training/diet philosophy.  I'm SO GLAD I bought the book!  It has refreshed me on so many principles I'd forgotten or become lax on.

One MAJOR piece I've been missing is the diet.  So, I started that part today.  I'll admit, at the end of the day today, it was nice to look in my trash can and see only 2 Myoplex Light cartons, instead of junk food wrappers.

Even though I've been working out consistently for 4-weeks, I just registered for the 12-Week Body Transformation Challenge at Gold's Gym on Saturday, so my 12-week clock is starting over this week.  This is good because I'm already in a good routine, and this is the good opportunity for me to apply the new (er - REFRESHED) information I've gained by re-reading the book!

Two things, in particular, that stick out in my mind, based on the Bill Phillips book are:

1) I need to think more in terms of a GOAL, rather than a DREAM. Instead of saying, “I hope to be smaller someday,” I will say, “I WILL LOSE 20 lbs in 12 weeks” and “I WILL lose 12% body fat in 12 weeks.”

2) I haven’t been pushing myself hard enough in my weight training. The 10 HIGH POINT exertion is so that you feel like there is no way you can finish it unless you reach WITHIN yourself. I’ve been pushing myself, but I don’t think I’ve been pushing myself QUITE hard enough because my muscles haven’t been sore the next day. That tells me I could go with more weight. Of course, re-vamping my workout to do it CORRECTLY may help with all of that!

I had originally planned to compete against MYSELF on this in BEAT my results from last time, but come to find out, it cost $50 to enter, so that ups my level of commitment.  Plus, my brother has entered the Challenge, and nothing motivates me more than some healthy FAMILY competition :)

I will continue to track my progress weekly on my home scale, although those stats differ slightly from Gold's Gym's records:

Gold's Stats:
Weight = 152.2 lbs (- 2 lbs for clothes) = 150.2 lbs.
BF % = 36.1%

Home Stats:
Weight = 150.5 (fluctuate between 149-150.5)
BF% = 38% (fluctuate between 37%-38%)