Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Day at a Time

I'm definitely having to take this program one day at a time, until it becomes a lifestyle habit for me again.

Yesterday, I nearly missed my window of opportunity to get to the gym, but I told myself "No way!  You cannot miss your VERY FIRST DAY back on a program." 

But, it is so easy for life to get in the way.  There is grocery shopping to be done, bills to be paid, house to be cleaned, laundry to be washed, kids to be taken care of.

Life. Is. Busy.

The key is putting your workout up there amongst all your other "priorities."  It is when all other items take precedence over your workout, that it falls to the bottom of the list.  But, you have to say, "No more!  This is just as important as my laundry!"

So, I made it to the gym yesterday.  And, I avoided sweets and dairy, and bread.  And, I drank lots of water.  And, I felt GREAT!

So great, in fact, that I was completely motivated to get off my keister and make it to the track at 5:30 (well...5:45, anyway) this morning to get my run in....because I KNEW that if I didn't get there this morning, there would be no other opportunity to get there, and then I would be so mad at myself.  And, all for what?  An extra 30 minutes of sleep?  Really?

I ran 3 miles this morning, and shaved over a minute off of my pace, of late....probably mainly because it was in the cool morning air, rather than the scorching afternoon heat!  It was so worth that loss of 30 minutes of sleep! 

So much so, that I will feel motivated to get to the gym in the morning....and to the track the next day.

One day at a time....until it's just a part of my life again.


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