Tuesday, July 17, 2012

10-96 Program

I started back on a 12-week program yesterday that combines principles from several different wellness programs. I, jokingly, refer to it as my 10-96 program because when I showed my brother (a cop) my elaborate notebook and plans, he told me I am “10-96” which is cop speak for a “mental subject.” It kinda goes with the 10-96 theme, also that “the voice in the back of my head tells me there is no way I am going to stick to this program.” But, that voice is wrong.

For weight training, I am going to do the trusty, and ever faithful Body-for-Life routine. It just gives me a great structure, and never gets boring.

For cardio, I am doing the Bridge to 10K training program, which will prepare me for the Balloonfest 10K in September. One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to run a 10K this year, so this will be good!

For diet, I am trying to go mostly paleo! This is a diet regimen that was recommended to me by my doctor last year, to cure all manner of digestion issues, and I never really stuck to it. However, this time, I bought an actual cookbook to help me along the way. I think, over time, I will just learn how to apply the principles of paleo to my cooking, in general. It will be a learning process.

I’m super excited, and I made myself an awesome notebook to chart all of my goals and routines. I still need to take measurements and a “before” picture.

What’s my motivation? Well, first of all, I’ve gained 13 lbs since Christmas!! 13!!!! Secondly, I seem to be retaining water like a crazy lady! I think, partly because I do not consume enough water. So, I’m really focusing on drinking water all day long. Thirdly, I have fallen off of the running wagon, and I have a New Year’s Resolution to complete a 10K this year. Also, along that vein, I do not look like someone who has been running for over a year! Nor do I run like someone who has been running for over a year - mainly because I don’t do it consistently enough to make any gains. But, enough is enough! I’m whipping this booty back into shape. I’m tired of feeling bloated, and having such a limited choice of clothes in my wardrobe, due to insecurities with my size.

And, last, but certainly not least, I feel compelled to prove to myself that I do not need supplements or meal replacements, or any kind of fad diet pills or products to meet my goals, but that, instead, I can and will meet my goals with good ol’ fashioned hard work and dedication. I’ve done it before, and I can do it again. And, I will do it again!

My biggest obstacles are travel and work. I travel so much that it has been difficult to establish a good routine. However, now that I’m mentally there, I don’t think it will hinder me as much. Plus, my travel is dwindling for the next few weeks, which will give me time to really get re-established in my routine. I now work a compressed work week (7a-5:30p), so there is no such thing as working-out after work. Therefore, I do have to really fight against my nature to get up early to exercise in the mornings. I keep telling myself that if I do it for long enough, then it will eventually become natural to me, but my problem is that I never stick to it long enough. However, again, I am mentally ready this time!!

Here are my beginning stats:
Weight: 146.5
Body Fat: 36%

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