Monday, January 24, 2011

6-Week BFL Progress

Weight = 150
BF% = 36%

Of course, my weight fluctuates between 148-150.  But, in general, I've had the following results:

Fat Loss:  5.87 lbs
Lean Mass Gained:  2.37 lbs

I can fit into some of my smaller clothes, too.

I just started changing my diet 2 weeks ago, and the results have definitely been more consistently on the fat loss/muscle gain side!  I still have 10-weeks of my Transformation Challenge at the gym.  I'll weigh/measure again in 4 weeks.  As of now, here are my stats for the challenge:

Weight = 152.2
BF = 36.1%

After Week 1:
Weight = 148.4
BF = 35.5%

After Week 2:
Weight = 149.6
BF = 35.3%

Also, I'm up to 25 minutes of continuous running on Couch to 5K.  It's still not easy, but I feel SO accomplished!  I definitely get an endorphin rush after lifting weights and after running, so that in itself is rewarding to me!!

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