Saturday, March 14, 2009

Biggest Loser 6-week progress

Start: 152.4
Now: 145.8

Body Fat:
Start: 36.9%
Now: 32.9%

Start 12
Now: 11.75

Start: 37.5
Now: 35.5

Start: 33.75
Now: 33.5

Start: 43
Now: 41.75

Start: 13
Now: 12.5

Start: 23.25
Now: 22

Total Weight loss: 6.6 lbs
Body Fat Loss: 4%
Fat Weight Loss: 8.2 lbs
Muscle Weight Gain: 1.6 lbs
Total Inches Lost: 4.5 inches

***12 week update is scheduled for April 25. If I lose 10 more lbs and 6% more body fat, then I will have matched my accomplishments from the Body for Life program in 2005, proving to myself that it's not necessarily just the Body for Life program that works so well, but it is, instead, simply the effort of doing something consistently for 12 weeks that causes great results!!***

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ode to my Hiney

I originally wrote this on June 19, 2006. In celebration of my renewed fitness focus, I'm revisiting the ode:

By: Hannah (Bone) Holmes

Hiney, my dear,
The time's drawn near
For me to say,
"Get outta HERE!"

You've had your chance
You're a vast expanse
You no longer fit
In my favorite pants!

So, I say farewell,
Your ship has sailed,
What? NO, I don't want
To eat Taco Bell!

Try as you might
To stay and fight.
You'll soon be tiny
And fit and tight!

I'm working-out!
Now, don't you pout.
Your time has expired -
About that there's no doubt!

So, I'm off to exercise,
Soon you will decrease in size.
So, I bid these last good-byes
To my buns and hips and thighs.

The Biggest Loser

I joined Gold's Gym about six weeks ago and joined a "Biggest Loser" competition at the gym, in an effort to motivate myself to get into shape!! This Saturday will be my midway weight check. Then, I will have 6 more weeks of the program. I don't imagine that I'll win, necessarily, but it has served its purpose.....which was to get me off my BEhind and INTO the gym! So far, I'm noticing some great results. I've been running several days/week and going to BodyPump classes. The scales aren't really going down, but my clothes are DEFINITELY getting looser!

I've lost about 52-54 lbs since I had Jonah last September. Ideally, I'd like to lose at least 30 more lbs. We shall see......

This will primarily be my venue for logging my progress toward my fitness goals.


Hijinks definition: noisy and mischievous merrymaking
sounds like a good Blog title to me :)