Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Year, a New You?

Wow, what an accomplished 2011 I had, when it came to health and fitness!  Last year was the first year in my life in which I set out to accomplish some fitness goals, and I stuck to prioritizing some form of a physical fitness regimen for a solid year.  In the past, I've never gone more than a few months at a time.  Now, granted, I have slacked off a bit in the past couple of months, but I haven't completely fallen off the wagon!  It is EASY for me to see how quickly I CAN fall off the wagon, though, if I'm not careful.  It is so easy to just fall right out of the habit, if you don't intentionally choose to schedule and incorporate some form of exercise into your day.

In 2011, I ran 3 5K races.  The first two were in the spring, after completing the Couch to 5K program.  My first race was about a 33(ish) minute finish, and my second race, a month later, was a 30 minute finish.  The last race was my Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, which I finished in about 34 minutes.  And, yet, I felt the most accomplished after that one, because it came on the heels of very minimal running in the month prior to the race!  It felt great to be in good enough physical condition to be able to complete a 5K race without rigorous training prior to the race.  THAT's where I've wanted to be.  Of course, since then I haven't run ONE bit.  Part of my slacking is due to some medical issues with dystonia and possible seizures that have reared their ugly heads again after a nearly 6-year remission from symptoms.  So, I've been reluctant to hit the trail.  However, I'm getting back to it in the New Year, no ifs ands or buts about it.

The other awesome accomplishment is that I can look back at where I was at this time last year, and see that diligent, consistent effort, over the long haul, pays off.  I have dropped about 15+ lbs since this time last year, and it has come without obsession/compulsion over the scales!  It has just come off gradually, and I'm now at my pre-baby weight (133-135 lbs).  I'd still like to lose a little more (10-15 lbs), but I am currently at a healthy weight, and I know continued weight loss will happen in due time with due effort.  It's awesome to be at this mental place, with regards to my body.

My HEALTH goals for 2012 are:
  • Run more races in 2012 than 2011 (>3)
  • Run a 10K
  • Possibly train for a half-marathon
  • Get back into the gym at least 3 days per week (supplemented by running)
  • Minimize my intake of grains
  • Increase my intake of water
Here's to a NEW YEAR and a NEW ME!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

6-Week BFL Progress

Weight = 150
BF% = 36%

Of course, my weight fluctuates between 148-150.  But, in general, I've had the following results:

Fat Loss:  5.87 lbs
Lean Mass Gained:  2.37 lbs

I can fit into some of my smaller clothes, too.

I just started changing my diet 2 weeks ago, and the results have definitely been more consistently on the fat loss/muscle gain side!  I still have 10-weeks of my Transformation Challenge at the gym.  I'll weigh/measure again in 4 weeks.  As of now, here are my stats for the challenge:

Weight = 152.2
BF = 36.1%

After Week 1:
Weight = 148.4
BF = 35.5%

After Week 2:
Weight = 149.6
BF = 35.3%

Also, I'm up to 25 minutes of continuous running on Couch to 5K.  It's still not easy, but I feel SO accomplished!  I definitely get an endorphin rush after lifting weights and after running, so that in itself is rewarding to me!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

12-Week Body Transformation Challenge Week 1

I've been doing pretty awesome on my program, although I haven't been seeing great results.  I went ahead and purchased the book "Body-for-LIFE" by Bill Phillips, as I'd lent it out to someone a few years ago, and I have no idea who I gave it to.  I needed to revisit some of the weight training/diet philosophy.  I'm SO GLAD I bought the book!  It has refreshed me on so many principles I'd forgotten or become lax on.

One MAJOR piece I've been missing is the diet.  So, I started that part today.  I'll admit, at the end of the day today, it was nice to look in my trash can and see only 2 Myoplex Light cartons, instead of junk food wrappers.

Even though I've been working out consistently for 4-weeks, I just registered for the 12-Week Body Transformation Challenge at Gold's Gym on Saturday, so my 12-week clock is starting over this week.  This is good because I'm already in a good routine, and this is the good opportunity for me to apply the new (er - REFRESHED) information I've gained by re-reading the book!

Two things, in particular, that stick out in my mind, based on the Bill Phillips book are:

1) I need to think more in terms of a GOAL, rather than a DREAM. Instead of saying, “I hope to be smaller someday,” I will say, “I WILL LOSE 20 lbs in 12 weeks” and “I WILL lose 12% body fat in 12 weeks.”

2) I haven’t been pushing myself hard enough in my weight training. The 10 HIGH POINT exertion is so that you feel like there is no way you can finish it unless you reach WITHIN yourself. I’ve been pushing myself, but I don’t think I’ve been pushing myself QUITE hard enough because my muscles haven’t been sore the next day. That tells me I could go with more weight. Of course, re-vamping my workout to do it CORRECTLY may help with all of that!

I had originally planned to compete against MYSELF on this in BEAT my results from last time, but come to find out, it cost $50 to enter, so that ups my level of commitment.  Plus, my brother has entered the Challenge, and nothing motivates me more than some healthy FAMILY competition :)

I will continue to track my progress weekly on my home scale, although those stats differ slightly from Gold's Gym's records:

Gold's Stats:
Weight = 152.2 lbs (- 2 lbs for clothes) = 150.2 lbs.
BF % = 36.1%

Home Stats:
Weight = 150.5 (fluctuate between 149-150.5)
BF% = 38% (fluctuate between 37%-38%)