Saturday, January 28, 2012

10K Training & Primal Lifestyle

I started running again on January 1.  (Thank You, New Year, for the opportunity to start all over!!)  I hadn't run since the Turkey Trot on Nov. 24, so I was a little nervous about how it would go.  But, it went great.  I think I ran about 2 miles, at the same pace I had left off at.  I'm absolutely astounded at how quickly I've been able to build back up my endurance.  My last run (on 1/23) was 4.17 miles.  I'm a little nervous because that is further than I've ever run (it was part of my Bridge to 10K training 15 min run/1min  walk X 3), and I got such horrible shin splints last July, when I increased my mileage to 4 miles.  So far, so good though, although I definitely feel my shins.  I try to give myself a good few days of break between each run, so that I don't overdo it.  In my 15/1 X 3 run, even with the 2 walks for 1-minute, I still maintained my average pace, and I plan to head out in a few minutes for another 15/1 X 3 run.  I think it helps that I'm not thinking about my distance, so much as my time -- making sure I run for a full 15 minutes, and then the distance just comes on its own.  I'm signed up for a 5K on 3/10 and an 8K on 3/17, and I'm considering registering for a 10K the following weekend on 3/24, but half afraid that may be pushing it (not the 10K distance, per se, but the 3 races in a row).  We'll see.

I've also taken up Zumba.  If anyone had asked me a month ago if I had ever gone to Zumba, I would have laughed in one's face and declared, "You wouldn't catch me dead in a Zumba class!"  But, for some strange reason, I decided to try a class a few weeks ago, and I flat-out fell instantly in love, even in all my uncoordinated splendor!!  I will say that I have never intentionally stared at another woman's arsh as much as I did in that first class.  The instructor wears these pants with little tassels on the booty, and I kept staring, thinking, "Well, maybe if I stare at her hard enough, my body will want to do that, too!"  LOL!

Not only do I go to Zumba, but I even encourage other people to go!  And, I even have these little silly dreams of becoming good enough to be an instructor myself!  (I know, that's just silly!)  I get such an incredible cardio workout (better than anything else I've ever tried), and it goes by so fast because it's FUN!  And, I guarantee nobody is watching ME in that class because they're either A) watching intently at the instructor, wondering how to get their own body to do that, or B) watching themselves to see if they look as amazingly dance-gifted as they FEEL. Bottom line -- It's awesome, and I recommend it to anyone!

I fell off the no-grains diet before I even had time to get on it very well.  I decided I've got to do something, because I've learned it's impossible to out-train a bad diet, and that has always been my downfall. So, I went a full day yesterday with no grains, and I felt so proud today...accomplished....motivated to keep it up.  Now, if I can only remember this feeling every single day!!  It's just like getting into a new workout routine.  It makes you feel great, but for some crazy, unexplained reason, it's so easy to forget how great it feels from one day to the next, until it becomes pure habit in your life.

So, all in all....January hasn't been a complete bust.  I guess it's better to be eating badly and exercising than eating badly and not exercising.  But, here's to a better February, and adding another piece to the big-picture puzzle of health that I aim to attain in 2012!!