Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lag in Motivation

I'm not feelin' it this week. I think I'm discouraged because I'm not seeing ANY progress on the scales, so I'm half inclined to sabbotage my own efforts by giving up entirely. I know that's not the way to go, but I'm just frustrated.

I think I'll feel much better if I can motivate myself to get on the treadmill this evening and RUN! I've been doing Body Pump diligently, but I haven't been doing much cardio, which is why I think I'm at a standstill with the weightloss.

I have to write some sort of inspiring story about my progress and change over the past 12 weeks, and I'm having a hard time feeling inspired. I guess the biggest change is exactly what I'd hoped for.......that I'm no longer a stagnant blob. I'm working-out regularly, and it's just a basic part of my life again. That's all I could have hoped for. The weightloss will come in due time. For now, I'm just glad to be moving again -- to the extent that I feel incredibly guilty if I don't work-out more than 3 days/week......whereas 12 weeks ago, I felt accomplished if I worked out 1 or 2 days/week. So, that's inspirational, I suppose. :)